Često postavljana pitanja
Najčešća pitanja u vezi sa Sistemom Elektronske Putarine.
The range of toll sections is extended by the government decree by 373.3 kilometers of 1st class roads. Specifically, the following sections of 1st class roads will be tolled in both directions:
- road I/16 Řevničov - Bezděčín, length 88,4 km
- road I/22 Vodňany - Klatovy, length 75,2 km
- road I/27 Plzeň, Litice - Klatovy, length 38,8 km
- road I/34 Havlíčkův Brod - Koclířov, length 81,5 km
- road I/38 Jihlava - Hatě, length 89,4 km
You can find a clear map of toll roads as well as contact and distribution points where the necessary registration of the vehicle can be made can be found here.
U režimu postpaida vraćanje jedinice ENP ne znači ujedno prestanak registracije vozila. Registracija vozila ostaje otvorena za slučaj, ako bi Korisnik vozila hteo da podigne jedinicu za konkretno vozilo kasnije. Ako Korisnik vozila neće kasnije trebati jedinicu ENP za vozilo u budućnosti (na primer prodaja vozila), neophodno je da ukine registraciju vozila na jedan od načina prema sledećem:
- Korisnik u režimu postpaida s odgodom dospeća ukine registraciju vozila u Korisničkoj samoposluzi.
- Korisnik u režimu postpaida s plaćanjem karticom za gorivo nakon registracije vozila kontaktira svog izdavača kartice za gorivo.
- Registraciju vozila je moguće ukinuti u oba slučaja na Kontaktnom mestu, gde dolazi ovlašćeno lice (ovlašćen predstavnik društva, ili opunomoćeno lice).
U režimu prepaida, vraćanjem jedinice ENP ujedno prestaje i registracija vozila.
Yes, for driving on toll roads (thus also newly charged from 1 July 2022) the carrier must meet the necessary requirements. In particular, to register the vehicle in the Electronic Toll System and equip it with an on-board unit. Registration can be done online or at one of the points of sale. If the carrier uses one of the fleet cards, the carrier can also ask the fleet card issuer for assistance.
You can also get all the necessary information on the customer service line +420 243 243 243.
Postupak postavljanja elektronskog uređaja je ovde:
Naplati za korišćenje puteva podležu motorna vozila s najmanje četiri točka, čija najveća dozvoljena težina je više od 3,5 tone.
Za evidenciju vozila u Sistem elektronske putarine je Korisnik vozila - u skladu sa Zakonom i Naredbom - da pruži Operatoru sistema podatke potrebne za evidenciju vozila i da dostavi Uverenje o registraciji vozila ili Saobraćajnu dozvolu.
The on-board unit is provided to the carriers in exchange for the deposit. It can be picked up at points of sale. You can find a list of distribution and contact points (including outages) in the Documents to download section (https://mytocz.eu/en/documents).
U skladu s češkim zakonima, ovakva vozila trebaju registraciju kao teretna vozila. Ne radi se o autobusima.
- Ako je podnosilac društvo, preduzetnik ili lice sa sedištem u Češkoj Republici, može da upotrebi kvalifikovan potpis ili priznat potpis (to znači potpis osnovan na kvalifikovanom sertifikatu, koji nije neophodno pohranjen na kvalifikovanom sredstvu)
- Ako je podnosilac organ javne vlasti (javno-pravna institucija)u Češkoj Republici, mora da upotrebi kvalifikovan potpis s kvalifikovanim vremenskim žigom
- Ako je podnosilac društvo, preduzetnik ili lice sa sedištem u EU, mora da upotrebi kvalifikovan potpis
- Ako je podnosilac društvo ili lice sa sedištem izvan EU, može da upotrebi bilo koji potpis izdat od verodostojnog organa za sertifikaciju.
Jedinice ENP za vraćanje šaljite poštom na adresu (no Premid OBU!) Annex NET s.r.o., České družiny 5, 160 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic ujedno s uredno popunjenim formularom reklamaciju, uključujući kompletne bankovne podatke. Jedinice ENP je potrebno slati s dovoljnom vremenskom rezervom još pre datuma isteka važenja. Ne preporučamo slanje jedinice iz država van Evropske unije iz razloga carinskih dažbina. Jedinice u režimu prepaida, kod kojih je uplata obavljena u gotovini, preporučamo vraćati lično na kontaktnim mestima.
The system of toll discounts continues to work; the rules for their provision are determined by Government Regulation No. 240/2014 Coll. and specified in the General Terms and Conditions.
The carrier has to register the vehicle to the toll discount system in the Customer Zone using an electronic signature (accesses were generated by the carrier when registering the vehicle) and complete the Discount information provision form, which can be downloaded from the Documents for download section. The carrier can also register the vehicle to the toll discount system without an electronic signature at the contact point where the authorized person will bring the completed Discount information provision form and a copy of the vehicle registration certificate. The discount system can be used by all operators with their vehicles operating both in postpay and prepay mode.
In order to approve the registration for discounts, it is necessary that the applicant for the discount is stated in the vehicle registration certificate as the owner or operator of the vehicle. Otherwise, it is necessary to submit a lease agreement or a leasing contract.
In order to be able to log in to your Self-Care Portal, it is first necessary that you have established user access to the Self-Care Portal (it is generated automatically when registering your vehicle) and know the login details (you will find this information in the e-mail sent to you during registration or you can request them at info@mytocz or +420 243 243 243). Subsequently, it is necessary to connect your user access to the Self-Care Portal with the means of electronic identification. Only then will it be possible to log in to the Self-Care Portal via electronic identity.
“Damaged electronic device” means an Electronic device that is mechanically damaged (eg broken, scratched device or missing power cord or degraded or otherwise damaged bar / numeric code) or has visually visible signs of damage (eg labelled, dirty, burnt, leaked / appearing signs of liquid penetration into the device or contaminated with glue or equiped with a cable other than that specified by the manufacturer or received at the Distribution or Contact Point or by post). A damaged electronic device is assessed regardless of the functionality of the barcode or the Electronic Device as such. The damaged electronic device is such an electronic device, which malfunction was caused by the Vehicle Operator or the Driver, this fact is confirmed by authorized persons.
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