Upcoming changes in toll payment for carriers as of 1 January 2021: the crucial thing for drivers is the introduction of rates for 5 or more axles

17. 12. 2020 |
Press Release
Myto cz

Prague, 17 December 2020 - As of 1 January 2021, based on an amendment to Regulation of the Government 240/2014 Coll. and Decree No. 470/2012 Coll., several important changes in the electronic toll system for vehicles over 3.5 tons will come into effect. Among other things, toll rates, the amount of discounts and several other parameters will change. The network of toll roads will be extended by two newly opened motorway sections.

As of 1 January 2021, toll rates will include three components: road use charge, traffic noise charge and air pollution charge. New charges do not automatically mean more expensive tolls for every vehicle, in some categories tolls will be cheaper. Air pollution and traffic noise charges, which are included in the newly published toll rates as of 1 January 2021, are intended to contribute to the creation of financial resources to reduce the negative environmental impact of heavy transport under EU legislation. A specific example of the use of these revenues is the investment in the construction of noise walls. Charges for air pollution and traffic noise are already included in toll rates in Austria and Germany, for example. 

The amount of the traffic noise charge is calculated according to the number of axles and the weight of the vehicle and depends on the time of day (day and night rate). The amount of the air pollution charge is determined according to emission standard, vehicle weight and the number of axles. With a higher standard, the charge decreases, with weight and the number of axles it increases. For vehicles that meet the EURO VI emission standard and are also powered by natural gas or biomethane (exclusively or in combination with another type of fuel), the charge is zero even for vehicles over 12 tons, regardless of the number of axles.

Setting the number of axles on the on-board unit

As of 1 January, the toll system differentiates the rates for vehicles of the M2 and M3 category (buses) according to the current number of axles, and for other vehicles, a rate for 5 or more axles has been introduced

"The introduction of a rate for 5 or more axles is particularly important for heavy vehicle drivers, who are now used to having an on-board unit set to 4 or more axles. In case of five or more axles, they will have to change the number of axles on their on-board unit accordingly, otherwise they will commit an offence after 1 January “ said Petr Chvátal, CzechToll COO.

For carriers, this change means:

  • Vehicles must have the actual number of axles set on the on-board unit, even in the case of 5 or more axles (the number of axles 5+ is then displayed on the OBU simultaneously by diodes 2 and 3).
  • Vehicles in the M2 and M3 category must now set the current number of axles on the on-board unit when driving on toll roads from the beginning of the year.

Higher toll discounts

Simultaneously with the adjustment in toll rates, there will be adjustments in the calculation of toll discounts from the beginning of 2021. The limit values that determine the amount of the discount as well as the percentage of the discount change. Large carriers who pay more than CZK 270,000 or more in tolls can receive a 13% discount on tolls:

  • toll ≥ CZK 65,000, a discount of 6% will be granted
  • toll ≥ CZK 95,000, a discount of 9% will be granted
  • toll ≥ CZK 170,000, a discount of 11 % will be granted
  • toll ≥ CZK 270,000, a discount of 13 % will be granted

Re-registration of CNG-BIO vehicles complying with EURO VI

An amendment to Regulation of the Government No. 240/2014 Coll. introduces a new CNG/BIO emission class E6. This category will include vehicles powered by natural gas or biomethane (exclusively or in combination), which at the same time meet the EURO VI emission standard. The category of vehicles meeting the EURO VI emission standard will thus be divided into two categories, namely according to the type of fuel. 

"Unfortunately, the introduction of the new standard also means the need to re-register the affected vehicles in the system. For vehicles of the M2 and M3 category registered in the Czech Republic, the re-registration will take place automatically, for other vehicles meeting the aforesaid conditions, the operator must apply for re-registration,“ added Petr Chvátal.

The carrier can apply for a new registration by e-mail to cngbio@czechtoll.cz. The application shall contain a list of the license plate numbers of vehicles eligible for inclusion in the new emission class, and shall be accompanied by a copy of section II of the vehicle registration certificate. For vehicles registered in the prepay mode the re-registration can be carried out at any distribution point and contact point, by returning the on-board unit (termination of registration) and issuing a new on-board unit (new registration).  

"Similarly, in the future, the re-registration will have to be carried out for vehicles complying with the EURO VI standard in the event that the carrier rebuilds the propulsion unit to natural gas or biomethane," added Petr Chvátal. 

Dynamic weight change

As of 1 January, a dynamic change in the weight category will be introduced. The classification of the vehicle in the weight category will therefore vary depending on the connection and disconnection of trailers. The toll rate for a specific vehicle journey will therefore be derived from the current weight of the vehicle (vehicle combination) at the time of the journey. 

Newly charged toll roads

As of 1 January 2021, the network of toll roads will be extended by the newly opened sections of D48 (Rybí - Příbor Východ in the total length of 11.53 km) and D6 (Nové Strašecí - Krušovice in the total length of 9.8 km) motorways.

A detailed overview of changes in the electronic toll system is available at:

Toll rates valid as of 1 January 2021 are available at: